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Practice Giving Warnings
Now, you try it! Give a warning for each of these situations.

1-At the zoo, you notice your niece is standing close to a fence. A large animal is walking quickly toward her. What do you say?

2-Your family wants to go to a famous restaurant. You are willing to go but want to tell them that the food is very expensive. What do you say?

3-At the library, you don't know that a chair is broken as you begin to sit on it. What should someone say to you?

4-A friend tells you he/she is going to take a flight. But you don't think that is a good idea because of coronavirus. What do you say?

5-There is broken glass on a supermarket floor. A stranger does not see the glass and is going to step on it. What do you say?

6-You are driving to your friend's house as a heavy rainstorm begins. You are on the phone with this friend. What should he/she tell you?