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Religious Leaders Support UN Climate Agreement
More than 200 religious leaders say they support the climate change agreement negotiated in Paris last year and want it to be put into effect quickly.This Friday -- Earth Day -- wo
AS IT IS2016-04-21Vietnamese Immigrant's First Book Wins Pulitzer Prize
A first-time novelist, Viet Thanh Nguyen, has won the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for fiction. He won the prize for his book, “The Sympathizer.” The Pulitzer judges described N
AS IT IS2016-04-20Ecuador’s President: Earthquake Recovery to Cost Billions of Dollars
Ecuador’s President says billions of dollars will be needed to help the country rebuild from the powerful earthquake last Saturday.The earthquake killed at least 413 people a
AS IT IS2016-04-20Gymnast from India Makes History
This is What’s Trending Today…For the first time in history, a woman gymnast from India will compete at the Olympics.Dipa Karmakar won rights to compete in the 2016 Su
AS IT IS2016-04-20Castaways Get HELP
After their small boat turned over, three men swam to a small island in the Pacific Ocean. They used the leaves and branches of palm trees to spell the word HELP hoping someone cou
AS IT IS2016-04-20Iran Vows to Defend Mideast from Terrorism, Zionism
The president of Iran promised to defend Muslim countries against terrorism and Israel, in a national speech on Sunday.President Hassan Rouhani made the speech during a National Ar
AS IT IS2016-04-20Justin Trudeau Explains 'Quantum Computing'
This is What’s Trending Today:Justin Trudeau has been the Prime Minister of Canada for only about six months.In that time, he has impressed people by greeting an airplane fil
AS IT IS2016-04-19Brazil’s Senate to Decide if President Should Face Trial
Brazil’s political turmoil has intensified as lawmakers voted to carry forward the impeachment process against President Dilma Rousseff.Lawmakers in the lower house of Congre
AS IT IS2016-04-19North Korean Volcano Waiting to Blow
A volcano in North Korea is at risk of erupting, according to scientists.Scientists say Mount Paektu, on the border of North Korea and China, had one of the largest eruptions in hi
AS IT IS2016-04-19Iraqi Refugees From IS Share Their Stories
A few days ago, a man named Arif ran barefoot with his family from an Iraqi village as American fighter jets dropped bombs from above.They walked 25 kilometers through deserts and
AS IT IS2016-04-19Strong Earthquakes Strike Ecuador, Japan
A powerful earthquake struck Ecuador Saturday, killing at least 235 people and injuring more than 1,500. The earthquake in the South American country happened after a series of ear
AS IT IS2016-04-18German Comedian May Face Prison for Insulting Turkish President
A German comedian may face up to three years in prison for insulting the president of Turkey.German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Friday that her government will accept a request f
AS IT IS2016-04-17Inky the Octopus: 'Escape Artist' and Celebrity
This is What’s Trending Today…A small New Zealand octopus has become an international celebrity.His name is Inky.Inky had been living in an aquarium at the National Aq
AS IT IS2016-04-16Most Young Arabs Reject Islamic State
The large majority of young Arab adults say they do not support Islamic State (IS) militants.And more than 75 percent say they do not believe that the Islamic State will create a c
AS IT IS2016-04-15Religious Leader Says Saudi Women Should Not Drive
Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that does not allow women to drive.And it is likely to stay that way, if the country’s top religious cleric has his way. Mufti S
AS IT IS2016-04-15Ceasefire in Syria Close to Collapse
The ceasefire that began in February in Syria is close to collapsing, say those in the conflict.Rebel fighters and politicians opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have been
AS IT IS2016-04-14US Taxes Low Compared to Other Countries
Taxpayers in America pay less in income tax than many Europeans, according to a Pew Research Center report.Belgium has the highest income tax rate, at nearly 56 percent of income,
AS IT IS2016-04-14Real or Not? Snowboarder’s Video In Question
This is What’s Trending Today.A young woman from Australia posted an unusual snowboarding video to social media earlier this week.Kelly Murphy says she recorded the video dur
AS IT IS2016-04-14EqualPayDay Brings Attention to Wage Differences
This is What’s Trending Today…Tuesday was National Equal Pay Day in the United States.The day is designed to bring attention to wage differences between American men a
AS IT IS2016-04-13Nigerian-American Teen Accepted to All 8 Ivy League Schools
For the second time in two years, all eight Ivy League schools have offered admission to a teenager from Nigeria.Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna is in her final year at Elmont High School in
AS IT IS2016-04-13Boko Haram Uses Children as Suicide Bombers
The African militant group Boko Haram is increasingly using children to carry out suicide bombings.The United Nations says 44 children were involved in Boko Haram suicide attacks l
AS IT IS2016-04-13North Koreans Defect to South Korea
South Korea says a high-ranking North Korean military officer defected to South Korea last year.South Korea’s defense and unification ministries made the announcement Monday
AS IT IS2016-04-13How Will Sanctions Affect North Koreans?
Human rights organizations are supporting the latest international measures aimed at restricting North Korea’s nuclear program.Yet the economic sanctions could make life more
AS IT IS2016-04-12CIA Director Says No More Waterboarding
The CIA will not use waterboarding to get information from a detainee anymore.Waterboarding is a method that has been described as torture. It is used to force prisoners to give in
AS IT IS2016-04-12Boston Newspaper Explores Trump Presidency
This is What’s Trending Today.The Boston Globe is one of the most famous newspapers in the United States. On Sunday, The Globe made news when it published a special front pag
AS IT IS2016-04-12
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