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New Delhi Tries to Restore Water After Protests
Engineers are working to restore water supplies in New Delhi.Water was cut off to large portions of the Indian capital over the weekend. Protestors damaged a canal that supplies wa
AS IT IS2016-02-24Suspect in Michigan Shootings Appears in Court
The suspect in a mass shooting in the northern U.S. state of Michigan was charged Monday with multiple murders.Jason Dalton, 45, was arrested early Sunday morning. He was charged w
AS IT IS2016-02-24US Markets Claw Back Gains, But 'Chop' Ahead
New York Stock Exchange traders are wondering which way a volatile financial market will move in the upcoming months.Low oil prices combined with less demand around the world have
AS IT IS2016-02-23106-Year-Old Dances for Joy Over 'Black' President
This is What’s Trending Today.By the time you get to be 106, you have seen and done a lot.And Virginia McLaurin is almost 107.But last week, McLaurin did something for the fi
AS IT IS2016-02-23China Damming Lhasa River Into Artificial Lakes
Chinese state media say work crews in Tibet are turning the Lhasa River into a series of artificial lakes.The Chinese government’s Lhasa River Project aims to build six dams
AS IT IS2016-02-22Peru and Machu Picchu: The Trip of a Lifetime
A “bucket list” is a list of things you want to do before you die.The term “bucket list” comes from an old English expression “kick the bucket.”
AS IT IS2016-02-22Despite Talks, Bombs in Syria Kill 60
Despite a cease-fire, at least 60 people were killed in Syria in two attacks Sunday.A double bombing in Homs early Sunday killed up to 60 people. Later, a series of attacks hit Say
AS IT IS2016-02-22US, Cuba Sign Deals on Flights and Factory
After restoring diplomatic relations, the United States and Cuba are building stronger economic links.President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro restored diplomatic tie
AS IT IS2016-02-22South Dakota Governor To Consider 'Bathroom' Bill
The South Dakota Senate passed a bill this week that orders people in public schools to use restrooms that align with their gender at birth.Lawmakers in the midwestern American sta
AS IT IS2016-02-21Ugandan Presidential Candidate Arrested, Alleges Vote-rigging
Uganda held a national election for president Thursday, and there are accusations of unfair voting practices.Following the election, Kizza Besigye, a “prominent” candid
AS IT IS2016-02-20Trending Today: Selfies Kill Rare Baby Dolphin
This is What's Trending Today.The Franciscan or Plata River dolphin is a threatened species that lives in the waters off the coasts of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.It is one of t
AS IT IS2016-02-20Apple Rejects Order About Attacker's iPhone
Apple says it will fight the U.S. government about sharing information from the iPhone used by a shooter in a deadly attack in California.The Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FB
AS IT IS2016-02-20Pope Talks of Trump, Zika Virus During Press Conference
When he returned to Rome yesterday after a trip to Mexico, Pope Francis said women who live near the Zika virus should be able to use birth control.This breaks from traditional Rom
AS IT IS2016-02-19Russia to Spend Billions on Gas Pipeline in Pakistan
Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to visit Pakistan in the next few months to begin a gas pipeline project.Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif asked Putin to vi
AS IT IS2016-02-19Conspiracies Swirl After Court Justice Dies
People who believe in conspiracies -- or crimes committed by secret groups – are talking about the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.Scalia died at a remote ranch
AS IT IS2016-02-19'Largest Ever' US-South Korea Military Drills
South Korean defense officials say the yearly military exercises with the United States next month will be the largest ever.The military drills take place as tensions with North Ko
AS IT IS2016-02-19Prince’s Passport Photo Is Sheer Perfection
This is What’s Trending Today….Everyone needs them.But no one likes them.I’m talking about photos on government documents like drivers’ licenses and passpo
AS IT IS2016-02-19Pope Francis Attracts Crowds at US-Mexico Border
Pope Francis is finishing a six-day trip to Mexico by saying Mass near the Mexican-United States border.The pope will say Mass in the city of Cuidad Juarez. The city that sits next
AS IT IS2016-02-18Beatles McCartney ... Not Famous Enough?
This is What’s Trending Today….The Grammy Awards honor the best music each year in America. This year’s awards were given Monday night in Los Angeles.Paul McCart
AS IT IS2016-02-18Phone App Fights Fraud in Ugandan Election
This week, 15 million registered voters in Uganda will go to the polls to elect a president, parliament and local officials.Incumbent president Yoweri Museveni faces two opposition
AS IT IS2016-02-1828 Dead After Car Bomb Explodes in Turkey
[Editor's Note: This is a breaking news report. Audio will follow. Thank you for your patience.]At least 28 people have been killed and 61 others wounded in a large explosion in T
AS IT IS2016-02-18Making Women Signup for the Draft Stirs Debate
Whether women should have to register for the U.S. military service is being debated in the United States.Top Army and Marine Corps commanders recently told the Senate Armed Servic
AS IT IS2016-02-17UN: Kim Jong Un Could Be Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity
A United Nations expert on human rights in North Korea has warned that the country’s dictator, Kim Jong Un, could be responsible for crimes against humanity.Marzuki Darusman
AS IT IS2016-02-17Buddhist Monks, Troops Clash in Thailand
Buddhist monks fought with troops in Thailand on Monday during a protest against government interference.Television reports showed troops and monks clashing after the soldiers trie
AS IT IS2016-02-17Former UN Chief Boutros Boutros-Ghali Dies
This is What’s Trending Today….Boutros Boutros-Ghali was the United Nations Secretary General in the first part of the 1990s.He died in Egypt on February 16. He was 93
AS IT IS2016-02-17
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