栏目广告位一 |
The Year in Arts and Culture
2018 was a big year in the world of Arts and Culture. Some of the big events, however, had less to do with movies or music and more to do with politics or social issues. Here is a
AS IT IS2018-12-29 俄克拉荷马州的一半地区最终会受到美国原住民的控制吗?
In 1999, Patrick Dwayne Murphy, a member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation (MCN), attacked another member of the tribe on the MCN reservation in Oklahoma.Murphy stabbed and cut the ot
AS IT IS2018-12-27名师问答: How to Say the Letter 'I'
In some languages, you can look at a written word and know almost immediately how to say it. You can also hear a word and know exactly how to write it down. These are properties of
AS IT IS2018-12-22-
Compound Nouns: Putting Words Together
What do these five words have in common: hotdog, fireworks, well-being, waistline, sunset and ice cream? They could all describe a fun holiday celebration. For example:My holiday w
AS IT IS2018-12-21 气候变化导致奇怪的有毒鱼类
People in Japan pay good money to eat the deadly pufferfish. There, the food is called fugu. The fish can cost more than $100 a kilogram. Eating fugu is especially popular now, dur
AS IT IS2018-12-20美国学生使用避孕用品的比例增加一倍
Two times as many American high school students used nicotine-added electronic cigarettes in 2018 compared to the number of high school users last year.That information comes from
AS IT IS2018-12-19美国首都向老鼠宣战
Andre Pittman and Gregory Cornes are on a campaign to remove unwanted, often harmful creatures from Washington, D.C.Their target is not corrupt officials or backroom political oper
AS IT IS2018-12-18Khomeini’s Great-Grandson Fights Criticism of his High-End Tastes
The great-grandson of the leader of Iran's 1979 revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, has been forced to defend his way of life.Ahmad Khomeini was reacting to the publication o
AS IT IS2018-12-17农民担心塑料圣诞树可能会取代真正的圣诞树
Christmas tree farmers in the United States are concerned about competition from plastic trees.In the past, plastic, or artificial, trees were not very realistic. They looked like
AS IT IS2018-12-16名师问答:如何提高词汇量
In English, we have a saying that goes, "Use it or lose it." It means that if you do not continue to use a skill, you might lose the ability to do so.We can say this about language
AS IT IS2018-12-15Words to Travel With, Part 2: Airports
Ask one hundred people whether they love to travel and most of them will probably say yes. Discovering a new place can be fun and exciting. But getting to that place is often a lot
AS IT IS2018-12-14在巴西农村 白蚁建造了数百万个土丘
American Roy Funch has lived and worked in northeastern Brazil for many years.Around his home are large mounds of dirt in the shape of a volcano. Funch often wondered what built th
AS IT IS2018-12-13-
The art of building small wooden boats is being used to help young, at-risk adults in the United States. These young men and women are being trained and working as apprentices in a
AS IT IS2018-12-12 田间机器人:农场转向自主技术
Farmer Jamie Butler is testing a new worker on his farm in England's Hampshire countryside. Butler hopes the new worker will help the 180-hectare farm produce more wheat and not h
AS IT IS2018-12-11-
Dan Katt opened his beer company, Good City Brewing, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2016.At the time, it was a presidential election year. He did not think about the possibility of a t
AS IT IS2018-12-10 海平面上升威胁历史灯塔
The threat of rising sea levels and erosion have many people worried about the future of lighthouses in the United States and around the world.Lighthouses are built on or near the
AS IT IS2018-12-09名师问答:Must和Have To
Today we will answer a question about two misunderstood modal verbs.Modal verbs are helping verbs. They help us express things like necessity, permission, ability and possibility.
AS IT IS2018-12-08Words to Travel With, Part 1
Have you ever been to an airport or train station where the official language was English? What was your experience – easy, difficult or in between?Today, we will explore som
AS IT IS2018-12-07男孩要求城镇解除打雪仗禁令
This is What's Trending Today...Cold, snowy weather has arrived in many places. That means young people are enjoying building snowmen, going sledding and having snowball fights.Bu
AS IT IS2018-12-06法国在暴力抗议后推迟新燃油税
France has suspended planned increases in fuel taxes for six months after violent protests in the streets of Paris and other cities.Prime Minister Édouard Philippe announced
AS IT IS2018-12-05加利福尼亚的孩子们在“致命大火”后重返校园
Monday marked a return to school for thousands of children who lost their homes to a deadly wildfire in Northern California.In Butte County, California, schools have been closed si
AS IT IS2018-12-04印度学生不再需要沉重的书包
Indian officials recently approved weight guidelines for children's school bags.The central government said the weight of the bag should depend on the age of the child. It urged a
AS IT IS2018-12-03随着选举临近 新加坡考虑新的媒体法
The ruling party in Singapore has named a likely replacement to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Lee is 66 years old and has said he will step down at age 70. He is the son of Singa
AS IT IS2018-12-02名师问答:关于介词by
If you can write or speak even just a little English, you have surely used prepositions -- words like "to," "in," "on," "at" and "by." A preposition is a word or group of words tha
AS IT IS2018-12-01你见到我所见的吗?
It was beautiful in Washington, DC, this morning! I could see the sun shining and hear birds singing. So, I decided to walk to work. As I walked down 6th Street, I smelled a delici
AS IT IS2018-11-30
栏目广告位二 |