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When It Rains, Make Beer(翻译)
There is a saying that advises “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” In other words, make the best out of a bad situation.Some people in the Netherlands are taki
AS IT IS2016-08-08Football Player's Non-Profit Supports Start-ups in Africa
While recovering from a football injury, an American college student named John Cefalu decided to use his free time to develop a plan.He wanted to create a non-profit organization.
AS IT IS2016-08-08New Company Plans Very Small Electronic Medical Treatments(翻译)
A new company has been created to research and develop medical treatments using bioelectronics.Bioelectronic treatments use a small device placed inside the body to change electron
AS IT IS2016-08-08Ivory Coast Hopes to Increase its Chocolate Production
Ivory Coast is the world's top producer of cocoa. Cocoa beans are used to make chocolate.But, little chocolate is produced in the West African nation. Most of the cocoa produced i
AS IT IS2016-08-07More Than a Place, Silicon Valley Is a Culture(翻译)
Monisha Perkash and her parents moved to the United States from Nepal.She never imagined that one day she would be heading a company in California’s Silicon Valley. In fact,
AS IT IS2016-08-07How Safe are U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Turkey?
Military and political experts are warning the United States against storing nuclear weapons in Turkey.Those experts say the recent attempt to overthrow Turkey’s government s
AS IT IS2016-08-06Rocky Mountain National Park: Wild and Wonderful
Our national parks journey this week takes us to an extreme landscape in Colorado. Around us are clear lakes, aspen and fir trees, and mountain peaks that rise over 4,400 meters.We
AS IT IS2016-08-06Where Are the World's Tallest and Shortest People?(翻译)
The tallest men in the world are Dutch, while the tallest women come from Latvia.That finding comes from a new British study. It also found that East Timor is home to some of the s
AS IT IS2016-08-05Can Hackers Break into U.S. Voting Machines?
Recent attacks on American computer systems have raised concerns that electronic voting machines could be future targets.Emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) recentl
AS IT IS2016-08-05'Pokemon Go' Costly for Japanese Olympian in Rio
This is What’s Trending Today….Olympic athletes from around the world are in Brazil to compete in the 2016 Olympic Games. The opening ceremony takes place on Friday in
AS IT IS2016-08-05Muslim-Americans Becoming More Involved in US Politics
Sarwat Husain is an American Muslim from Texas. She says people there sometimes look at the hijab she wears over her head. But Husain got more attention than she was used to on a f
AS IT IS2016-08-05North Korea Continues to Test Long-Range Missiles
South Korean and U.S. military officials say North Korea carried out a ballistic missile test early Wednesday.U.S. officials say two missiles were launched. One was successful. The
AS IT IS2016-08-04Rio Olympic Games Open This Weekend(翻译)
Olympic athletes, high-level officials and other people have been arriving in Rio de Janeiro for the opening of the 2016 summer games.The opening ceremony is Friday night, local ti
AS IT IS2016-08-04Ugandan Company Demonstrates Solar-Powered Bus(翻译)
A bus powered by the sun’s energy has made its public debut.Kiira Motors Corporation demonstrated the new electric bus recently at a sports center in the Ugandan capital, Kam
AS IT IS2016-08-04Free Trade an Important Issue in US Elections
An international free trade agreement has become an important issue in the American presidential election.The agreement appears to be a big issue in what political watchers conside
AS IT IS2016-08-04Singer Matisyahu Surprises Street Musician in Hawaii
This is What’s Trending Today:The American singer and songwriter Matisyahu is from New York City.On a recent trip to Hawaii for a show, he found a street musician who was sin
AS IT IS2016-08-04Instagram Launches New 'Stories' Feature
This is What’s Trending Today…The photo-sharing application Instagram is urging users to post more photos and videos, more often. Users will soon be able to create Ins
AS IT IS2016-08-03What Is a Gold Star American Family?
Gold Star families have been in the news a lot in the United States over the past week. But not all Americans know the term, which is important to military families.Gold Star famil
AS IT IS2016-08-03Texas Students Can Bring Guns to College(翻译)
The American state of Texas joined eight other states this week in giving individuals a right to bring guns to college classrooms.The Texas law gives people 21 and older permission
AS IT IS2016-08-03New Security Laws In Effect in Malaysia
New security measures became law this week in Malaysia.Critics say the measures give Prime Minister Najib Razak far-reaching emergency powers. They fear the new security law could
AS IT IS2016-08-03Group Warns of Rising ASEAN Land Grab Conflicts
An international human rights organization says Southeast Asia is facing increasing conflicts and violence over land grab activity. A “land grab” relates to taking land
AS IT IS2016-08-02Smelly 'Corpse' Flower To Bloom in Washington, DC(翻译)
This is What's Trending Today:A rare flower, called the titan arum, is about to blossom at the U.S. Botanic Garden. Unlike most flowers though, it is very smelly.Some people say t
AS IT IS2016-08-02Tokyo Voters Elect City’s First Woman Governor
Voters in Tokyo have elected the city’s first female governor.Sixty-four-year-old Yuriko Koike received the most votes in local elections on Sunday. Koike was elected to a fo
AS IT IS2016-08-02US Skydiver Completes 7,600-Meter Jump Without Parachute(翻译)
An American skydiver has survived a 7,600-meter jump from an airplane, although he did not use a parachute.Luke Aikins dropped into a huge safety net on Saturday after falling for
AS IT IS2016-08-02Former Iraqi Kurd Fighter Turns to Wine Making(翻译)
Nabaz carefully poured red wine into a glass, then another glass. He set the bottle down and looked at the small group of people he had never met.Then, he offered them his wine.Thi
AS IT IS2016-08-01
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