
VOA慢速英语:A Cup of Joe With Average Joes and Plain Janes

Now, the VOA Special English program, Words and Their Stories.


A person’s name is very important. Some names also have special meanings in popular American expressions. To better understand what I mean, sit back and listen. You might even want to get a cup of Joe, I mean, a cup of coffee.
一个人的名字非常重要。在流行的美国表达方式中,一些名字还有一些特别的意思。为了更好地理解我的意思,请坐下来好好听。你甚至可能想来一杯咖啡(a cup of Joe)。

One day, an average Joe was walking down the street. An average Joe is a common person – either male or female.  This average Joe was lost. He did not know Jack about where he was going. By this, I mean he did not know anything about where to find things in the city.
有一天,an average Joe走到街上。an average Joe是一个普通人——男女通用。这个人迷路了。他did not know Jack应该怎么走。我的意思是,他对于怎样在这个城市里找一些地方一无所知。

So average Joe asked John Q. Public for directions to the nearest bank. John Q. Public is also a common person – male or female.
所以,这个人向John Q. Public询问怎样去最近的银行。John Q. Public也是一个普通人,也是男女通用。

"Jeez Louise," said John Q. Public. This is an expression of surprise. "Jeez Louise, don’t you know that all banks are closed today? It is Saturday."
John Q. Public说“Jeez Louise” 。这个短语是用来表达惊讶的。“Jeez Louise,你不知道今天所有的银行都关门吗?今天是周六。”

"For Pete’s sake," said average Joe. This is also an expression used to show a feeling like surprise or disappointment.
average Joe这个人会说:“For Pete's sake”。这也是一个用来表达惊讶或失望的短语。

"For Pete’s sake. I do not believe you," said average Joe. He was being a doubting Thomas, someone who does not believe anything he is told.
“For Pete's sake,我不相信。”average Joe说。他是一个a doubting Thomas,不相信别人告诉他的任何话。

At that moment, Joe Blow was walking down the street with a woman. Joe Blow is also an expression for a common man. Now this Joe Blow was NOT walking next to a plain Jane. A plain Jane is a woman who is neither ugly nor pretty. She is simply plain. No, the woman with Joe Blow was a real Sheila – a beautiful woman. 
这时,Joe Blow与一位女性走过。Joe Blow代表普通男性。与Joe Blow走在一起的不是一个plain Jane,这个词值得是不丑也不漂亮的女性,仅仅是一个普普通通的女性。不,与Joe Blow走在一起的是一个真正的Sheila,一个美女。

Average Joe asked the woman if all banks were closed on Saturday. "No way, Jose," she answered. This is a way of saying "no." "No way, Jose. Many banks are open on Saturdays."
Average Joe问这位女士,是不是所有的银行在周六都关门。“No way, Jose,” 她回答到。这个句子是用来表达“不”的。“No way, Jose,许多银行星期六都是开门的。”

Average Joe did not know either of these two people from Adam. That is, he did not know them at all. But he followed their directions to the nearest bank.
Average Joe这个人did not know either of these two people from Adam。意思是说,他不知道该相信谁。但是他按照他们的指引到了最近的银行。

When he arrived, he walked to the desk of the chief bank employee. Now this man was a true Jack of all trades. He knew how to do everything.
到银行之后,他走到大堂经理那里。这个大堂经理是真正的万事通(Jack of all trades)。他知道所有的事情。

"I am here to withdraw some money so I can pay my taxes to Uncle Sam," said average Joe. Uncle Sam represents the United States government. The banker produced some papers and told average Joe to sign his John Hancock at the bottom.  A John Hancock is a person’s signed name – a signature. Historically, John Hancock was one of the signers of the United States Declaration of Independence. Hancock had a beautiful signature and signed his name larger than all the others.
“我想取一些现金向Uncle Sam缴税。”Uncle Sam代表的是美国政府。银行职员打印了一些文件,要求average Joe在文件底部签上John Hancock。John Hancock是一个人的签名。历史上,John Hancock是美国独立宣言的签署人。Hancock的签名非常漂亮,他签的名字比其他人的都大。

As average Joe left the bank he began to sing. But sadly, average Joe was not a good singer. He was a Johnny One Note.  He could only sing one note.
average Joe离开银行时开始放声歌唱。但是可悲的是,average Joe唱歌并不好。他是一个Johnny One Note,五音不全。