
VOA慢速英语:Maker's Row: Made in America

Manufacturing is an important industry in the United States.However, for many years, Americans have expressed fear that the industry is in decline.

In the late 19th to middle 20th century, America stood as the industrial powerhouse of the world.Consumers sought the latest American-made products, from cars to refrigerators to televisions.

But, things began to change in the late 1970s.Japan and China caught up with the U.S. in the production of many consumer goods.Today, China is a manufacturing powerhouse itself.It produces about 80 percent of the world’s air conditioners, 70 percent of its mobile phones and 60 percent of its shoes.Chinese products represent almost half of all the goods made in the world.

And, now in the United States, it can be difficult to find a manufacturer to help develop a product.

Matthew Burnett knows this all too well.The American businessman started a watch company in 2007.At first, he had overseas manufacturers make all his products.As a result, Burnett often faced shipping delays, a lack of quality control, and time zone issues.
Matthew Burnett对此非常了解。他是一名美国商人,2007年创办了手表公司。最初,他委托海外制造商帮其制作产品。结果,Burnett经常面临运送推迟、缺乏质量控制以及时差问题。

Later, he expanded into leather goods.Still, he struggled to find domestic factories to make the wallets, belts, and other products of his new brand.

And he was not alone.Many American entrepreneurs found it easier to go out of the country for manufacturing.There was no central marketplace for the industry.

So, Matthew Burnett, and his business partner Tanya Menendez, created one.They called it Maker’s Row.
所以Matthew Burnett和他的生意伙伴Tanya Menendez决定开创制造业市场。他们建立了Maker’s Row。

Since 2012, the online marketplace has been connecting entrepreneurs with American manufacturers.

Matthew Burnett explains.
Matthew Burnett解释说。

What we try to do at Maker’s Row is to encourage the brands to start producing in the United Statesso that you see more made in America products on the shelves.We used to produce 97 percent of the apparel that we consume here in the United States, today it’s less than three percent.So it makes it very challenging to find sometimes made in America products,but that’s the narrative we’re trying to shift, by bringing these brands back home to produce.
“我们建立Maker’s Row的目的,是想鼓励各大品牌在美国国内生产商品,这样你可以在货架上看到更多美国制造的产品。过去我们在美国消费的衣物中97%都是美国制造,而如今还不到3%。所以找到美国制造的产品都变得颇具挑战性。但这就是我们想要改变的现状,把这些品牌带回国内自己生产。“

Makersrow.com also helps brands and businesses find and organize their supply chains.

A manufacturer pays a monthly fee to be listed on the site.It includes project planning software and a search feature.Manufacturers can also receive factory bids through the site.

For an additional cost, entrepreneurs get additional support.

Maker’s Row can be especially helpful to new or part-time entrepreneurs.The site can provide a plan for turning an idea into a business.
Maker’s Row对菜鸟企业家和兼职创业者的帮助尤其巨大。该网站可以为其提供商业计划,将好点子发展为产业。

And co-founder Tanya Menendez says Maker’s Row offers classes and training.
合伙人Tanya Menendez表示Maker’s Row还提供课程和培训。

We have an online academy so people can take free online courses.They’re designed for people with busy lifestyles.A lot of people that come to Maker’s Row start off working 9-to-5 and having this become like their side hustle so we cater to those entrepreneurs too and then we have project software where established businesses can organize all of their ideas in one place.
“我们有在线大学,人们可以接受免费在线培训。这些课程专门为商务繁忙的人士准备。很多关注Maker’s Row的人都是朝九晚五的上班族,忙里偷闲进行关注,所以我们也要照顾到这些企业家,因此我们提供项目软件,企业家们可以一次性整理自己的想法。”

Today, the Maker’s Row website has 80,000 registered users.
如今Maker’s Row有8万名注册用户。

The registration and fee structure to access the site helps ensure the users are serious about their business, Menendez says.

The BCG company in Boston advises businesses around the world.It estimates the average cost to manufacture goods in the U.S. is only five-percent higher than in China.And the company predicts that by 2018 the cost difference will narrow further, to as little as two percent higher.

Maker’s Row and other similar efforts could play a big part in making that prediction come true.
Maker’s Row及其他类似的尝试为这一预测提供极大推力。

I’m Marsha James.
Marsha James为您报道。