astronomical – adj. of or relating to astronomy
shadow – n. a dark shape that appears on a surface when someone or something moves between the surface and a source of light
abandon – v. to leave and never return to (something)
forsake – v. to give up or leave (someone or something) entirely
conversation – n. an informal talk involving two people or a small group of people : the act of talking in an informal way
entertainment – n. amusement or pleasure that comes from watching a performer, playing a game, etc.
synonym – n. a word that has the same meaning as another word in the same language
casting – v. to send (something) out or forward : The fire casts [=gives off] a warm glow. The tree cast a long shadow on the lawn.
audition – n. a short performance to show the talents of someone (such as an actor or a musician) who is being considered for a role in a play, a position in an orchestra, etc. — often + for
get out - informal exclamation : used to express disbelief.
tough – adj. difficult to accomplish, resolve, endure, or deal with
typical – adj. normal for a person, thing, or group : average or usual
shining star – n. the best