access - n. a way of getting near, at, or to something or someone
alphabet - n. the letters of a language arranged in their usual order
app - n. a computer program that performs a special function
fluent - adj. able to speak a language easily and very well
assimilate - v. to fully become part of a different society, country, etc.
integration - n. the act or condition of combining (two or more things) to form or create something
assessment - n. the act of making a judgment about something
boarding (school) - adj. a type of school where students can live during the school term
curriculum - n. the courses that are taught by a school, college, etc.
episode - n. an event or a short period of time that is important or unusual
podcast - n. a program (such as a music or news program) that is like a radio or television show but that is downloaded over the Internet
convince - v. to cause (someone) to agree to do something
grammar - n. the set of rules that explain how words are used in a language