grand jury - n. a group of people who look at the evidence against someone who has been accused of a crime in order to decide if there should be a trial
indict - v. to formally decide that someone should be put on trial for a crime
conspire - v. to secretly plan with someone to do something that is harmful or illegal
plead - v. to say in court that you are either guilty or not guilty of a crime : to make a plea
investigator - n. someone who works as a detective and who is not a member of a police force
lobbyist - n. a person who works together to influence government decisions that relate to a particular industry, issue, etc.
hack - v. to secretly get access to the files on a computer or network in order to get information, cause damage, etc.
focus - n. a subject that is being discussed or studied : the subject on which people's attention is focused
collusion - n. secret cooperation for an illegal or dishonest purpose