influenza – n. a common illness that is caused by a virus and that causes fever, weakness, severe aches and pains, and breathing problems
pandemic – adj. occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population
archive – n. a place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved
suffocate – v. to die because you are unable to breathe
exposure – n. the fact or condition of being affected by something or experiencing something : the condition of being exposed to something
immunity – n. medical : the power to keep yourself from being affected by a disease — usually + to (They have developed immunity to the virus.)
strain – n. a group of closely related plants or animals
circulate – v. to pass from person to person or place to place
efficacy – n. the power to produce a desired result or effect
prevalent – adj. accepted, done, or happening often or over a large area at a particular time : common or widespread
initiative – n. a plan or program that is intended to solve a problem