origin – n. rise, beginning, or derivation from a source
gambler – n. one who risks something of value for the chance of winning a prize
saloon – n. a place where alcoholic drinks are served especially : such a place in the western U.S. during the 19th century
deal – v. card games : to distribute (playing cards) to players
blacksmith – n. a person who makes or repairs things made of iron (such as knives or horseshoes)
evade – v. to avoid dealing with or facing (something)
shift – v. to go or to cause (something) to go from one person or thing to another
fault – n. responsibility for a problem, mistake, bad situation, etc.
mock-up – n. a working sample (as of a magazine) for reviewing format, layout, or content
interactive – adj. designed to respond to the actions, commands, etc., of a user
draft – n. a version of something (such as a document) that you make before you make the final version
ultimately – adv. in the end