comprehensive – adj. including many, most, or all things
longitudinal – adj. done by observing or examining a group of people or things over time to study how one or two particular things about them change
participant – n. a person who is involved in an activity or event
tend – v. to give your attention to and take care of (something or someone)
interview – v. to question or talk with (someone) in order to get information or learn about that person
decline – n. the process of becoming worse in condition or quality
genetic – adj. of, relating to, or involving genes
romantic – adj. of, relating to, or involving love between two people
psychiatrist – n. a doctor who treats mental or emotional disorders : a doctor of psychiatry
empathy – n. the feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions
bicker – v. to argue in a way that is annoying about things that are not important
instant – n. a very short period of time