A flat - n. a note a semitone below an A note
operatic - adj. relating to or characteristic of opera.
parole - n. permission given to a prisoner to leave prison before the end of a sentence usually as a reward for behaving well
transformative - adj. causing or able to cause a change
classical music - n. serious or conventional music following long-established principles rather than a folk, jazz, or popular tradition.
violin - n. a musical instrument that has four strings and that you usually hold against your shoulder under your chin and play with a bow
master's degree - n. a degree that is given to a student by a college or university usually after one or two years of additional study following a bachelor's degree
professional - adj. relating to a job that requires special education, training, or skill
workshop - n. a class or series of classes in which a small group of people learn the methods and skills used in doing something
practice - v. to do something again and again in order to become better at it