

Words in This Story

comedian – n. a person who performs in front of an audience and makes people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories or by acting in a way that is funny

witty – adj. funny and clever

twist – n. an unexpected or strange occurrence : something new created by changing something slightly

face value – n. Something that is taken/accepted at face value is regarded as true or genuine without being questioned or doubted

extraordinary – adj. extremely good or impressive

talent – n. a special ability that allows someone to do something well

self-deprecating – adj. meant to make yourself or the things you do seem unimportant

tractor – n. a large vehicle that has two large back wheels and two smaller front wheels and that is used to pull farm equipment

trailer – n. a vehicle that can be pulled by a truck or car and that can be parked and used as an office, vacation home, etc.

jukebox – n. a machine that plays music when money is put into it

to poke fun phrase to make a joke about (someone or something) usually in a friendly way

humble – adj. showing that you do not think of yourself as better than other people

instant – adj. becoming something very quickly