leftover – n. a thing that remains after something is finished or ended
scrape – v. to remove from a surface by usually repeated strokes of an edged instrument
preserve – v. to prevent (food) from decaying
settle – v. to be content with
last resort – n. something done only if nothing else works : "Asking for more time should be our last resort."
beach – n. an area covered with sand or small rocks that is next to an ocean or lake
low tide – n. the tide when the water is at its lowest point
sandcastle – n. a small model of a castle or other structure that is made with sand on a beach
romance – n. to have or try to have a romantic relationship with someone
mood – n. an emotional state of mind or feeling
sunburn – v. to burn or discolor by the sun : – n. inflammation of the skin caused by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation especially from sunlight
take-out – adj. of, relating to, selling, or being food not to be consumed on the premises
menu – n. a list of the foods that may be ordered at a restaurant