bachelor's degree – n. a degree that is given to a student by a college or university usually after four years of study
internship – n. a position as a student or recent graduate who works for a period of time at a job in order to get experience
teen(age) – adj. relating to people who are between 13 and 19 years old
campus – n. the area and buildings around a university, college or school
familiar – adj. used to say that something is easy for you to recognize because you have seen, heard, or experienced it many times in the past
associate – v. to be together with another person or group as friends or partners
faith – n. strong belief or trust in someone or something
outdoor – adj. done, used, or located outside a building
hiking – n. to walk a long distance especially for pleasure or exercise
skiing – n. the activity or sport of gliding on a pair of long narrow pieces of wood, metal, or plastic that curve upward slightly in front, are attached to shoes, and are used for gliding over snow
accounting – n. the skill, system, or job of keeping the financial records of a business or person
master's degree – n. a degree that is given to a student by a college or university usually after one or two years of additional study following a bachelor's degree
niche(s) – n. a job or activity that has the qualities that are right, needed, or appropriate for someone
homesick – adj. sad because you are away from your family and home