bachelor's degree – n. a degree that is given to a student by a college or university usually after four years of study
practicing – v. having a professional medical or legal business
impact – n. a powerful or major influence or effect
master's degree – n. a degree that is given to a student by a college or university usually after one or two years of additional study following a bachelor's degree
racism – n. poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race
grasp – v. to understand something that is complicated or difficult
assess – v. to make a judgment about something
temple(s) – n. a building for worship
elephant(s) – n. a very large gray animal that has a long, flexible nose and two long tusks
role – n. the part that someone has in a family, society, or other group
prejudice(s) – n. an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex or religion