relative humidity – n. the ratio of the amount of water vapor actually present in the air to the greatest amount possible at the same temperature
participant – n. a person who is involved in an activity or event : a person who participates in an activity or event — often + in
perspiration – n. he clear liquid that forms on your skin when you are hot or nervous
significant – adj. large enough to be noticed or have an effect
detrimental – adj. causing damage or injury
cognitive function – n. thinking activities that lead to knowledge, including all means and mechanisms of acquiring information, such as reasoning, memory, attention, and language
host – n. a great amount or number
potential – adj. capable of becoming real : potentially – adv.
exposure – n. the fact or condition of being affected by something or experiencing something
focus – n. a main purpose or interest
impact – v. to have a strong and often bad effect on (something or someone) : – n. a powerful or major influence or effect