

Words in This Story

open-faced – adj. served without a covering layer (as of bread or pastry) : an open-faced sandwich

pickled – adj. preserved with salt water or vinegar

spicy – adj. of food : flavored with or containing strong spices and especially ones that cause a burning feeling in your mouth

chutney – n. a thick sauce of Indian origin that contains fruits, vinegar, sugar, and spices and is used as a condiment

hearty – adj. large enough to satisfy hunger

tortilla – n. a thin round of unleavened cornmeal or wheat flour bread usually eaten hot with a topping or filling (as of ground meat or cheese)

crusty – adj. of food : having a thick or crisp crust

dunk – v. to dip (food) quickly into a liquid (such as coffee or milk) while eating

croissant – n. a type of roll that has a curved shape and that is usually eaten at breakfast

scratched the surface – phrase deal with, understand, or find out about only a small part of a subject or problem