

Words in This Story

undergraduate – adj. used to describe a student at a college or university who has not yet earned a degree

graduation – n. the act of receiving a diploma or degree from a school, college, or university

grade(d) – v. to give a rating to something

scale – n. a range of numbers that is used to show the size, strength, or quality of something

institution(s) – n. an established organization

metric(s) – n. a system or standard of measurement

diversity – n. the state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or organization

specific – adj. special or particular

degree(s) – n. an official document and title that is given to someone who has successfully completed a series of classes at a college or university

retain – v. to keep someone in a position or job

predominantly – adv. mainly or mostly

tuition – n. money that is paid to a school for the right to study there