versus – prep. in contrast to or as the alternative of
broad – adj. including or involving many things or people : wide in range or amount
drill down – phrasal verb : to look at or examine something in depth
restaurant – n. a business establishment where meals or refreshments may be purchased
boom time – n. a period in which there is a surge of prosperity for a person, place, or industry
sector – n. an area of an economy : a part of an economy that includes certain kinds of jobs
to wear many hats – idiomatic expression : to have many jobs or roles
Jack-(or Jill)-of-all trades – idiomatic expression : a person who can do passable work at various tasks : a handy versatile person
stay in your lane – idiomatic expression : In the workplace, this expression means to do only what you are responsible for doing.
pinch hit – phrasal verb : to act or serve in place of another
expertise – n. special skill or knowledge : the skill or knowledge an expert has