contagious – adj. exciting similar emotions or conduct in others contagious enthusiasm contagious laughter
fit – n. a sudden burst or flurry (as of activity)
glow – n. to have a warm, reddish color from exercise, emotion, etc.
grumpy – adj. easily annoyed or angered : having a bad temper or complaining often
curmudgeon – n. ill-tempered, and usually old man
misery – n. a circumstance, thing, or place that causes suffering or discomfort the joys and miseries of life : a state of great unhappiness and emotional distress
laughingstock – n. a person or thing that is regarded as very foolish or ridiculous : a person or thing that is made fun of
hood – n. a covering for the head and neck and sometimes the face
viral – adj. quickly and widely spread or popularized especially by means of social media
solitude – n. the quality or state of being alone or remote from society
glee – n. a strong feeling of happiness : great pleasure or satisfaction
merry – adj. very happy and cheerful : feeling or showing joy and happiness
embarrassed – v. feeling or showing a state of self-conscious confusion and distress