access – n. a way of being able to use or get something
placement(s) – n. the act of finding an appropriate place for someone to live, work, or learn
graduate(s) – n. a person who has earned a degree or diploma from a school, college, or university
income – n. money that is earned from work, investments, or business
journey – n. an act of traveling from one place to another
giant – adj. very large
keep(ing) track of – phrasal verb. to be aware of how something is changing, what someone is doing
institution(s) – n. an established organization
academic – adj. of or relating to schools and education
background – n. the events and conditions that help to explain why something happens
error(s) – n. something that is not correct
mature(d) – v. to continue developing to a desired level
clarity – n. the quality of being clear