Eastern Congo is currently facing the second-deadliest Ebola outbreak in history.
More than 600 people have already died from the disease since last August. Hundreds more are infected.
But a recent study found that one out of four people questioned in eastern Congo last year do not believe the Ebola virus is real. Nearly half said they thought some people were making up the Ebola outbreak in order to gain money or power. Their beliefs are strengthened by the economic and political insecurity in the area.
The study was published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal. It was based on interviews done last September, about a month after the outbreak was first reported.
Beliefs can help spread – or stop – the deadly virus
Researchers say the study showed how people's misguided ideas about Ebola were making it harder to fight the virus.
Ebola is spread through body fluids, so stopping the virus depends on isolating those who are infected. They must be separated from the rest of the population.
But those who did not believe Ebola is real were far less likely to seek help at a treatment center. They were also less likely to agree to an Ebola vaccine.
Eva Erlach is with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The group has more than 800 trained volunteers working to tell people in eastern Congo how they can prevent the disease.
伊娃·埃拉赫(Eva Erlach)就职于红十字会和红新月国际联合会。该组织有800多名训练有素的志愿者,他们正在告知刚果东部的人们如何预防这种疾病。
Erlach called the findings "absolutely interesting," even if the interviews were done more than six months ago. She said they showed the connection between trust and preventive measures.
Tariq Riebl of the International Rescue Committee is currently working in eastern Congo. He said the findings confirm what he and other workers are seeing. As the virus spreads, helping communities take steps to prevent the disease is almost as important as treatment, he said.
国际救援委员会的塔里克·瑞博尔(Tariq Riebl)目前就在刚果东部工作。他说,这一调查结果证实了他和其他员工所看到的一切。他说,随着病毒传播,帮助社区采取措施预防这种疾病同治疗同等重要。
Riebl added: "It doesn't matter if you have all the treatment options available because no one is ever arriving to take advantage of that."