

In July 1984, the famous author and runner Jim Fixx died of a heart attack while running. One lesson from his death: just because you run does not mean you are safe from heart problems.
1984年7月,著名作家和跑步者吉姆·菲克斯(Jim Fixx)在跑步时心脏病发身亡。他的死亡留下了一个教训:单是跑步,并不意味着你的心脏就没有问题。
Thirty-five years later, Boston Marathon race director Dave McGillivray is repeating that message. "Being fit and being healthy aren't the same things," he says.
35年之后,波士顿马拉松赛事主管戴维·麦吉利夫雷(Dave McGillivray)再次重申了这一观点。他说:“健壮和健康不是一回事。”

McGillivray, a lifelong runner, should know. Six months ago, he had heart surgery after suffering chest pain and shortness of breath while running.

McGillivray's family had a long history of heart problems. "I honestly thought that through exercise, cholesterol-lowering medicine, good sleep and the right diet, I'd be fine," he says. "But you can't run away from your genetics."

Aerobic exercise such as running, walking, cycling and swimming is known to reduce the risk of many health problems. But new research is questioning the value of "extreme exercise."

In a study published in December, researchers in Spain found information suggesting that full marathons, such as the famous Boston marathon, might injure the heart.

Dr. Kevin Harris is a cardiologist. He notes that running is a good activity, but the act of running "doesn't make you invincible." Harris adds that people who have a family history of heart problems should talk with their health care provider before running a marathon. "Especially," he added, "men who are older than 40 and those people who have symptoms they're concerned about."
凯文·哈里斯(Kevin Harris)博士是一位心脏病专家。他指出,跑步是一项很好的运动,但是跑步这一举动并不会让你永远立于不败之地。哈里斯补充说,有心脏病家族史的人在跑马拉松前应该去找他们的医生咨询。他还说,“尤其是40岁以上男子或是有担心病征的人。”

The Spanish researchers, led by Dr. Juan Del Coso, found that only about one in 50,000 marathoners suffers cardiac arrest, a medical term for when the heart stops beating. But, a high number of cardiac events that are caused by exercise happen during marathons.
由Juan Del Coso博士领导的这些西班牙研究人员发现,只有大约五万分之一的马拉松运动员会发生心脏骤停。心脏骤停是心脏停止跳动的医学术语。但是,大量心脏病事件是马拉松比赛期间的运动导致的。

The Boston Marathon, and many other major races, place defibrillators along the race course. Defibrillators are devices that use electricity to shock the heart.

McGillivray says his doctor allowed him to race in the upcoming Boston Marathon. He has competed in it every year for 47 years. "My new mission," he says, "is to create awareness: If you feel something, do something... You might not get a second chance."