bloom – n. the flowering state
allergy – n. An allergy is a medical condition that causes someone to feel sick after eating, touching or breathing something that is harmless to most people. : allergen substances that cause allergic reactions
pollen – n. very fine, yellow dust that is produced by a plant and is carried to other plants by wind or by insects
pragmatic – adj. formal : dealing with the problems that exist in a specific situation in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on ideas and theories
impact – n. a powerful or major influence or effect
hay fever – n. allergy usually caused by pollen
itch – v. to have or produce an unpleasant feeling on your skin or inside your mouth, nose, etc. that makes you want to scratch
significant – adj. large enough to be noticed
meme – n. an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture
heat sink – n. something that absorbs (or dissipates) especially unwanted heat