supremacist – n. a person who believes that one group of people is better than all other groups and should have control over them
therapy – n. the treatment of physical or mental illnesses
reassure – v. to make someone)feel less afraid, upset, or doubtful
feed(s) – n. a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content
consistent – adj. of the same quality
prolonged – adj. continuing for a long time
acute – adj. very serious or dangerous
symptom(s) – n. a change in the body or mind which indicates that a disease is present
trauma – n. a very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time
reconciling – v. finding a way of making two different ideas or facts exist or be true at the same time
bother – v. to cause someone to feel troubled, worried, or concerned
anxiety – n. fear or nervousness about what might happen