soap – n. a substance that is used for washing something
tablet – n. a flat piece of stone, clay, or wood that has writing on it
scented – adj. having a perfumed smell
complicated – adj. difficult to understand or explain
detergent – n. a powder or liquid that is used to clean clothes, dishes, etc. : a chemical substance that is like soap
character – n. a person in a story or play
over-the-top – informal : going beyond what is expected, usual, normal, or appropriate
addictive – adj. very enjoyable in a way that makes you want to do or have something again
open-ended – adj. not ending in a certain way or on a certain date
cliffhanger – n. a story, contest, or situation that is very exciting because what is going to happen next is not known
hooked on – idiomatic expression : very interested and enthusiastic about (something)