

Words in This Story

comedy – n. things that are done and said to make an audience laugh

joke(s) – n. something said or done to cause laughter

stress – n. a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life or work

campus – n. the area and buildings around a university, college, or school

relaxing – adj. helping you to rest and to feel less tense, worried, or nervous

interaction(s) – n. exchanges where people talk or do things together

rehearsal(s) – n. an event at which a person or group does an activity, such as singing, dancing, or actin, again and again in order to prepare for a public performance

audience – n. the people who attend a performance

tomatoes – n. round, soft, red fruit that are eaten raw or cooked and that is often used in salads, sandwiches and sauces

foam – n. a soft material that is used to make many products