sting – v. to affect with sharp quick pain or smart
well up – phrasal verb come up in a strong way (as of feelings and thoughts or tears)
humiliating – adj. extremely destructive to one's self-respect or dignity
save face - idiom to avoid having other people lose respect for oneself
intentional – adj. done in a way that is planned or intended
studio – n. a place for the study of an art (such as dancing, singing, or acting)
rehearse – v. to prepare for a public performance of a play, a piece of music, etc., by practicing the performance
lead (role) – n. the main role in a movie or play
idiom – n. an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words but that has a separate meaning of its own
dialogue – n. a written composition in which two or more characters are represented as conversing : a conversation between two or more persons