

Words in This Story

feat – n. an act or achievement that shows courage, strength, or skill

deliver – v. to transfer possession of (property) to another : put into the possession or exclusive control of another

dose – n. the amount of a medicine, drug, or vitamin that is taken at one time

capacity – n. ability to contain or deal with something : the ability to do something

factor – n. something that helps produce or influence a result : one of the things that cause something to happen

supply chain – n. supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in supplying a product or service to a consumer

challenge – n. a difficult task or problem : something that is hard to do

package– n. a box or large envelope that is sent or delivered usually through the mail or by another delivery service : – v. to put (something) in a package in order to sell it or send it somewhere

stable – adj. in a good state or condition that is not easily changed or likely to change