

Words in This Story

scan – n. the act or process of using a special machine to see the inside of something (such as a part of the body) scan – v. to examine especially systematically with a sensing device (as a photometer or a beam of radiation)

subject – n. a person or thing that is being dealt with in a particular way

jump on a bandwagon - idiom to join an activity that has become very popular or to change your opinion to one that has become very popular so that you can share in its success

neuroscientist – n. one who studies the scientific study of nerves and especially of how nerves affect learning and behavior

nerve fiber – n. any of the processes (such as axons or dendrites) of a neuron

fiber optic cable – n. technical : the use of thin threads of glass or plastic to carry very large amounts of information in the form of light signals

activate – v. to cause (a device) to start working

basic – adj. the simplest and most important parts of something (such as a subject of study)