degree - n. an official document and title that is given to someone who has successfully completed a series of classes at a college or university
title - n. the name given to something (such as a book, song, or movie) to identify or describe it
kiddo - n. (informal) used by an adult to speak to a young person
brand - n. a category of products that are all made by a particular company and all have a particular name
skepticism - n. an attitude of doubting the truth of something (such as a claim or statement)
derision - n. the feeling that people express when they criticize and laugh at someone or something in an insulting way
response - n. something that is said or written as a reply or answer to something
clarify - v. to make (something) clear or clearer
style - n. the way that written words are spelled, capitalized, etc.
Ph.D. - n. the highest degree given by a university or college