pause- n. a temporary stop : a period of time in which something is stopped before it is started again
pronounce- v. to make the sound of (a word or letter) with your voice
reputation –n. the way people think about someone (usually of a person or group)
bother –v. to cause to feel troubled, worried or concerned
complaint- n. the act of saying or writing that you are unhappy or dissatisfied with something
potentially- adv. able to become real
context- n. the situation in which something happens : the group of conditions that exist where and when something happens
delicate- adj. easily disturbed or upset
offend- v. to cause (a person or group) to feel hurt, angry, or upset by something said or done
comedian- n. a person who performs in front of an audience and makes people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories
sensitive- adj. aware of and understanding the feelings of other people
grievance- n. a reason for complaining or being unhappy with a situation
elevate –v. the increase the level or importance of something
substantive –adj. important, real or meaningful
appropriate –adj. right or is correct for the situation