significant –adj. very important
funding –n. an amount of money that is used for a special purpose
consistent –adj. continuing to happen or develop in the same way
clarity –n. the quality of being easily understood
on a dime –v. very quickly, without thought
critical –adj. extremely important
focus –v. to direct your attention or effort at something specific
doctoral –adj. related to the highest degree that is given by a university; also known as a graduate degree because it is only given to student who already have a university degree
opportunity –n. an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done
relax –v. to ease; to become less intense
obviously –adv. used to emphasize that you are talking about something that is easy to see, understand, or recognize
welcome mat –n. used to express the idea of welcoming someone in a warm and friendly way
collaboration –n. the act of working with another person or group in order to achieve or do something