bar –n. a building or room where alcoholic drinks and sometimes food are served
wine –n. an alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes
alcoholic –n. a person who frequently drinks too much alcohol and is unable to live a normal and healthy life : a person who is affected with alcoholism
flavoring –n. a substance that is added to food or drink to give it a desired taste
cocktail –n. an alcoholic drink that is a mixture of one or more liquors and other ingredients (such as fruit juice)
lean –v. used to describe what someone wants to do, tends to do, or is likely to do
option –n. the opportunity or ability to choose something or to choose between two or more things
variety –n. the quality or state of having or including many different things
evening –n. the last part of the day and early part of the night
impact –v. to have a strong and often bad effect on (something or someone)