

Like other 3D printers, the Vulcan printer puts down layer by layer of materials to build an object. However, this printer is more than 13.7 meters wide and prints homes for people to live in.

This summer, the robotic printer from the homebuilder ICON will complete the last of the 100 3D-printed houses in Wolf Ranch, a community about 48 kilometers from Austin, Texas.
今年夏天,来自房屋建筑商ICON的机器人打印机将在距离德克萨斯州奥斯汀约48公里的Wolf Ranch社区完成100座3D打印房屋中的最后一座。

ICON began printing the walls of what it says is the world's largest 3D-printed community in November 2022.

Compared to traditional homebuilding, the company says 3D printing is faster, less costly, requires fewer workers, and reduces waste.

Conner Jenkins, a project leader, said, "It brings a lot of efficiency to the trade market... So, when there were maybe five different crews coming in to build a wall system, we now have one crew and one robot."
项目负责人Conner Jenkins说:“它为贸易市场带来了很多效率……因此,以前可能有五个不同的团队来建造墙体系统,而现在我们只需要一个团队和一个机器人。”

After concrete powder, water, sand and other additives are mixed together and put into the printer, a device called a nozzle releases the concrete mixture. The process looks like toothpaste being put onto a toothbrush, as the printer builds up the house layer by layer along an exact path.

The three- to four-bedroom homes take about three weeks to finish printing, with the foundation and metal roofs put in place with traditional building methods.

Jenkins said the concrete walls are designed to be resistant to water, mold, insects, and extreme weather.

Lawrence Nourzad, 32, and his girlfriend Angela Hontas, 29, purchased a Wolf Ranch home earlier this summer.
32岁的Lawrence Nourzad和29岁的女友Angela Hontas在今年夏初购买了一个Wolf Ranch的房屋。

"It feels like a fortress," Nourzad said, adding that he was confident the home would hold up to severe weather conditions.
Nourzad说:“感觉就像一个堡垒。” 他补充说,他相信这个房子能够抵御恶劣的天气条件。

The walls also provide strong insulation from the Texas heat, the couple said. The materials keep the inside temperature cool even when the air conditioner is not put on high levels.

There was one other thing the 3D-printed walls seemed to protect against, however: a solid wireless internet connection.

Nourzad said, "Obviously these are really strong, thick walls. And that's what provides a lot of value for us as homeowners and keeps this thing really well-insulated in a Texas summer, but signal doesn't transfer through these walls very well."

To deal with this issue, an ICON spokeswoman said most Wolf Ranch homeowners use mesh internet routers. These routers broadcast a signal from several units placed throughout a home, whereas a traditional router sends a signal from one device.
为了应对这个问题,一位ICON女发言人表示,大多数Wolf Ranch的房主使用网状网络路由器。这些路由器从家中各个地方的多个设备发出信号,而传统路由器则从一个设备发出信号。

The 3D-printed homes at Wolf Ranch cost from $450,000 to nearly $600,000. Developers said a little more than one quarter of the 100 homes have been sold.
Wolf Ranch的3D打印房屋价格从45万美元到近60万美元不等。开发商表示,100套房屋中已有四分之一多一点被售出。

ICON, which 3D-printed its first home in Austin in 2018, hopes to one day take its technology to the Moon.

NASA, as part of its Artemis Moon exploration program, has an agreement for ICON to develop a system capable of building landing pads, shelters, and other structures on the moon's surface.