
Everyday Grammar: Beating Problems with Adverbs

For VOA Learning English, this is Everyday Grammar.

This week, we're going to talk about some common problems with adverbs.

Basically, adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

For example, "I ran quickly to the store." The adverb quickly describes the verb run.
例如,“我迅速跑到商店。” 副词“迅速”描述了动词“跑”。

What is an adverb?

If a word is not easy to classify as a noun, verb, or adjective, it is probably an adverb.

Some of the most common words in English are adverbs, including up, so, just, then, how, now, also, here, and more.

Adverbs usually describe verbs.

They express when, how, where, and why an action is done.

Many adverbs are easy to find because they have the –ly ending, such as quickly, surely, and certainly.
许多副词很容易识别,因为它们有–ly结尾,例如quickly, surely, 和 certainly。

However, many adverbs do not have the –ly ending.

Adverbs can also describe adjectives.

For example, "It is really cold today." In this example, really is an adverb that describes the adjective cold.
例如,“今天真的很冷。” 在这个例子中,really 是描述形容词 cold 的副词。

Adverbs can describe other adverbs.

For example, "I will probably never go back." Here, the adverb probably describes the adverb never.
例如,“我可能永远不会回去了。” 这里,副词 probably 描述了副词 never。

Where do you put the adverb?

Where do adverbs go in a sentence?

Well, it depends.

Some adverbs can go almost anywhere in a sentence.

Let us look at the adverb sometimes.
让我们看看副词 sometimes。

It can go at the beginning of the sentence as in, "Sometimes, I walk to work."

It can go after the subject: "I sometimes walk to work."

Or it can go at the end of the sentence: "I walk to work sometimes."

Other adverbs can only go in the middle of a sentence.

The adverb probably is an example.
副词 probably 就是一个例子。

"She will probably leave early."

It is incorrect to say, "Probably she will leave early" or "She will leave early probably."
说“Probably she will leave early”或“She will leave early probably”是不正确的。

Other such adverbs are never, rarely, seldom, and always.
其他类似的副词还有 never, rarely, seldom, 和 always。

These are called mid-sentence adverbs.

They usually go between the subject and the main verb.

Different types of adverbs have different sentence positions.

What's the difference between adverbs and adjectives?

Adjectives describe nouns, while adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

Take the sentence, "She is careful."
以句子“She is careful”为例。

The adjective careful is describing the noun she.
形容词 careful 描述的是名词 she。

But if you said, "She walks carefully," the adverb carefully is describing the verb walk.
但如果你说“She walks carefully”,副词 carefully 描述的是动词 walk。

Do you think this is hard? Hardly!

Native speakers sometimes confuse adverbs and adjectives.

The words hard and hardly are especially difficult.
hard 和 hardly 这两个词尤其难以区分。

Hard is both an adjective and an adverb.
hard 既是形容词也是副词。

You can say "The bed was hard," using the adjective, which means it is "very firm."
你可以说“The bed was hard”,使用的是形容词,意思是“非常坚硬”。

You can also say, "I worked hard," using the adverb, which means "with a lot of effort."
你也可以说“I worked hard”,使用的是副词,意思是“努力地工作”。

Hardly is an adverb.
hardly 是一个副词。

A long time ago, it meant "in a hard manner," but its meaning has changed.

People used to say "not hardly.” Over time, the word “not” disappeared.
过去人们会说“not hardly”。随着时间的推移,“not”这个词消失了。

Since the 1500s, hardly has meant "almost not" or "barely."
自16世纪以来,hardly 的意思是“几乎不”或“勉强”。

For example, "I hardly had time to finish the project."

This conflicting meaning of hard and hardly has become the basis for jokes.
hard 和 hardly 之间的矛盾含义已经成为笑话的基础。

Listen to cartoon character Homer Simpson playing with the confusion between hard and hardly.
听听卡通角色荷马·辛普森如何玩弄 hard 和 hardly 之间的混淆。

In the scene, Homer's co-workers are replaced with robots.

"So you guys are my new co-workers. So working hard or hardly working? (laugh)."

"I said, ‘Working hard or hardly working?' ‘Working hard or hardly working? WORKING HARD OR HARDLY WORKING?' IT'S A SIMPLE QUESTION!"
“我说,‘努力工作还是几乎不工作?’ ‘努力工作还是几乎不工作?’ ‘努力工作还是几乎不工作?’ 这是个简单的问题!”

Homer is asking the robots if they are working hard (working with energy) or hardly working (only working a little).

The robots, with their exact reasoning, do not understand the word play in the question.

We will leave you with a song that uses the adverb softly in an unexpected way.
我们将给大家留下一首以意想不到的方式使用副词 softly 的歌曲。

Listen to the Fugees' version of the classic song "Killing Me Softly with His Song."