
新概念英语第一册Lesson 143课后练习册答案


Lesson 143
? 答案与解析
1. B。
2. A。文章第一段提到…Mr. Young is very busy and he’s often on duty in the evening and he can’t often
see his son.
3. C。
4. D。详见文章第二段。
5. C。从文章最后父子二人的对话可以得出本题的正确答案为C 项。
1. I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods.
2. It is a famous beauty spot.
3. Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy.
4. Last Wednesday,I went for a walk in the woods.
5. What I saw made me very sad.
6. The window has already been opened.
7. The car has already been repaired.
8. The exercise keys have already been corrected.