


B Answer these questions.


Are these your keys?

Yes, they're mine. They belong to me.

Is this John's letter?

Yes, it's his. It belongs to him.

Are these my clothes?

Yes, they're yours. They belong to you.

1 Is this Jane's passport?

Yes, it's hers. It belongs to her.

2 Are these their tickets?

Yes, they're theirs. They belong to them.

3 Is this your watch?

Yes, it's mine. It belong to me.

4 Are these her flowers?

Yes, they're hers. They belong to her.

5 Is this my boat?

Yes, it's yours. It belongs to you.

6 Is this Jim's phrasebook?

Yes, it's his. It belongs to him.

7 Are these hammers Frank's and Gary's?

Yes, they are theirs. They belong to them.

8 Is this our car?

Yes, it's ours. It belongs to us.

9 Are these the children's pens?

Yes, they're theirs. They belong to them.


Does this belong to me?/ Is this mine?

Does this belong to you?/ Is this yours?

Does this belong to him?/ Is this his?

Does this belong to her?/ Is this hers?

Do these belong to us?/ Are these ours?

Do these belong to you?/ Are these yours?

Do these belong to them?/ Are these theirs?




Who is talking to the attendant?

Who left his suitcase on the train to London?

Can you describe Mr. X's suitcase?

It's a small blue case and it's got a zip.

There's a label on the handle with his name and address on it.

What is his address?

83, Bridge Street.

How much does Mr. X pay?

Three pounds fifty pence, please.

Does this suitcase belong to Mr. X?


What happened?

The attendant has given Mr. X the wrong case.

Who left the suitcase?

Mr. Hall.

What is Mr. Hall's full name?

David Hall.

What is his address.

83, Bridge Street.

Where did Mr.Hall go the other day?


How did he go there?

By train.

Where is he now?

At the train station.

What is he doing?

He is talking to the attendant.

The attendant gave him a suitcase.

But this suitcase doesn't belong to him.

The attendant has already given him the wrong case.



I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day.

Can you describe it, sir?

It's a small blue case and it's got a zip.

There's a label on the handle with my name and address on it.

Is this case yours?

No, that's not mine.

What about this one?

This one's got a label.

Let me see it.

What's your name and address?

David Hall, 83, Bridge Street.

That's right.

D.N.Hall, 83, Bridge Street.

Three pounds fifty pence, please.

Here you are.

Thank you.


What's the matter?

This case doesn't belong to me!

You've given me the wrong case!




Lesson 99 Ow!



ow int. 哎呦

slip(slipped, slipped) v. 滑到,滑了一脚

fall(fell, fallen) v. 落下,跌倒; n. 秋天

downstairs adv. 下楼 (upstairs 上楼)

hurt(hurt, hurt) v. 伤, 伤害, 疼痛

back n. 背

stand up 起立,站起来

help v. 帮助

at once 立即

sure adj. 一定的,确信的

X-ray n. X光透视


I slipped yesterday.

I fell downstairs yesterday.

Andy slipped and fell downstairs this morning.