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Word Discrimination & Translation单词的辨别与翻译

Generally speaking, almost all of English words share meanings in three aspects.总的来说,几乎所有英语单词的意义都表现在以下三个方面:

1. The structural meaning
2. The referential meaning
3. The situational meaning1. 结构意义
2. 指示意义
3. 语境意义

Since an English word may share a lot of meaning such as extended meaning, intentional meaning, connotative meaning and denotative meaning, the most reliable way is to distinguish by means of situational meaning.由于一个单词可能会有很多意思,像引申意义、内含意义、内涵意义和外延意义,所以分辨单词含义的最可靠办法还是在语境中了解它的意思。


Please weigh the various meaning of "green" collocated with different words.让我们看一下"green"与不同单词组合时所呈现的不同意思吧:

a green eye 嫉妒的
a green wound 未愈合的伤口
a green winter 温暖的冬天
green corn 嫩玉米穗,甜玉米
green corp 青饲料作物
green feed 青绿饲料
green-fingered 具有高超种植花木蔬菜技能的
green hand 生手
green tea 绿茶
green with envy 十分嫉妒
green thumb 园艺技能
green as grass 幼稚,无经验
in the green wood (tree) 处于佳境


Many English words possess synonyms which express more or less the same meaning. For example: 很多英文单词有着与自己意思或多或少相近的同义词,例如:

wife: woman, better half, helpmate, helpmeet, grey mare and squaw.

The same is true with Chinese:中文里也是如此:



Similarly, there are a lot of synonyms to "laugh" as follows:同样,"laught"也有很多同义词:

smile 微笑
grin 咧嘴而笑,露齿笑
chuckle 暗笑,轻声笑
giggle 痴笑,吃吃地笑
chortle 哈哈大笑
laugh/titter 傻笑,嗤嗤地笑
snigger 嬉皮笑脸地笑
guffaw 哄笑,放声大笑
cackle 尖声笑,咯咯地笑
roar 狂笑

All these words share the meaning of "laugh", but they are different from one another in manner, volume, degree, mood, connotation, passion, and appeal.所有的这些单词都有“笑”的意思,但它们在方式、音量、程度、心情、含义、感情以及感染力方面有所区别。

*To have one's translation faithful to the original in accuracy, one must be well acquainted with the difference of synonyms.*要使自己的翻译精确地忠于原文,你必须熟悉同义词之间细微的差别。