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新概念第三册自学导读 Lessons13


Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1  Mrs. Richards went upstairs because ______ .

a.she did not need to do any housework

b.she still had to finish the costume she was going to wear

c.she wanted to change her clothes before doing the housework

d.she wanted to change into her fancy-dress costume

2  Mrs. Richards did not go to the door because ______ .

a.she was upstairs changing her clothes

b.she did not want to make a bad impression on the baker

c.she thought the baker might be taken in by her disguise

d.the baker had already left the bread on the kitchen table

3  By saying‘It's only me’, Mrs. Richards hoped ______ .

a.the man would realize she was alone

b.to persuade the man he was seeing a ghost

c.the man would recognize her

d.the man would not close the door of the storeroom


4  After her husband had gone to work and the children ______ to school, she went upstairs…(11.1-2)

a.had sent

b.were sent

c.had been sent

d.were sending

5  She wanted to find out how ______ to wear. (1.8)

a.comfortable it was

b.comfortable it would be

c.it was comfortable

d.it would be comfortable

6  ______ to frighten the poor man, Mrs. Richards quickly hid under the stairs. (11.11-12)

a.Not anxious about

b.Anxious not

c.Being not anxious

d.Not being anxious for

7  Trying to explain the situation, she ______ ‘It's only me’. (1.14)

a.was saying


c.had said

d.has been saying

8  On seeing Mrs. Richards ______ towards him, he fled. (11.15-16)

a.to walk

b.having walked



9  ______ Mrs. Richards was entering the dining room…(1.9)

a.At the very moment

b.So long as

c.Only when

d.During the time

10  ----if she ever ______ the door and to leave the bread…(11.10-11)

a.missed opening

b.forgot to open

c.did not succeed in opening

d.happened not to open

11  It was the man from the Electricity Board who had come to take a metre- ______ . (11.13-14)





12  The man ______ a cry. (1.15)



