
新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第三册 te-unit04-a


[-1:11.00]from the settlement of the American frontier — the destruction
[-1:12.00]of the buffalo herds and the American Indians.
[-1:13.00]17  While white people
[-1:14.00]had previously been used as models for most American coins,
[-1:15.00]famed artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition
[-1:16.00]by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.
[-1:17.00]18  For the buffalo on the other side,
[-1:18.00]since buffalo no longer wandered about the great grasslands,
[-1:19.00]Fraser was forced to sketch
[-1:20.00]an aging buffalo from New York City's Central Park Zoo.
[-1:21.00]Two years later, in 1915,
[-1:22.00]this animal was sold for $100 and killed for meat,
[-1:23.00]a hide, and a wall decoration made from its horns.
[-1:24.00]19  Uncle Sam
[-1:25.00]20  Fourteen-year-old Sam Wilson ran away from home
[-1:26.00]to join his father and older brothers
[-1:27.00]in the fight to liberate the American colonies
[-1:28.00]from the British during the American Revolution.
[-1:29.00]At age 23, he started a meatpacking business
[-1:30.00]and earned a reputation for being honest and hard working.
[-1:31.00]21  During a later war in 1812,
[-1:32.00]Wilson gained a position inspecting meat for US Army forces,
[-1:33.00]working with a man
[-1:34.00]who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the army.
[-1:35.00]Barrels of meat supplied to the army were stamped "EA-US",
[-1:36.00]identifying the company (EA) and country of origin (US).
[-1:37.00]According to the story,
[-1:38.00]when a government official visited the plant and asked about the letters,
[-1:39.00]a creative employee told him "US"
[-1:40.00]was short for "Uncle Sam" wilson.
[-1:41.00]Soon soldiers were saying all
[-1:42.00]Army supplies were from "Uncle Sam"
[-1:43.00]22  After the war,
[-1:44.00]a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political cartoons,
[-1:45.00]his from evolving from an earlier cartoon
[-1:46.00]character called Brother Jonathan
[-1:47.00]that was popular during the American Revolution.
[-1:48.00]Uncle Sam soon replaced Brother Jonathan as American's most popular symbol.
[-1:49.00]The most enduring portrait of Uncle Sam
[-1:50.00]was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg
[-1:51.00]in his famous army recruiting posters of World Wars I and II.
[-1:52.00]That version — a tall man
[-1:53.00]with white hair and a small white beard on his chin,
[-1:54.00]a dark blue coat and a tall hat with stars on it —
[-1:55.00]was a self-portrait of Flagg.