
新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第四册 词汇 4wl10

[00:00.00]喜欢hxen.net,就把hxen.net复制到QQ个人资料中!EQ                   IQ
[00:-0.50]n.情商               n.智商
[00:-1.00]incorporate          maturity                                  trigger
[00:-1.50]vt.把…合并,使并入  n.成熟情况; 成熟时期                      vt.触发,引起
[00:-2.00]make a contribution to                    sort through         aim at
[00:-2.50]对……作出贡献                            整理,捡出           旨在,追求
[00:-3.00]on purpose           in the act of doing (sth.)                take note of
[00:-3.50]故意,特意           正在做某事时                              注意,注意到
[00:-4.00]set aside                                 reflect on/upon      pull away from
[00:-4.50]拨出,留下以备将来使用                    思考,考虑,沉思     使脱身,使脱离
[00:-5.00]keep at
[00:-6.00]Daniel Goleman                            Emotional Intelligence
[00:-6.50]丹尼尔·戈尔曼(人名)                   《情感智能》
[00:-7.00]Time                 Karen Boylston
[00:-7.50]《时代周刊》         凯伦·波尔斯顿(人名)
[00:-8.00]upbeat                                    turn out             interact with
[00:-8.50]a.乐观的; 快乐的,愉快的                  结果是,证明为       互相交流,互相影响
[00:-9.00]hold out             shy away from
[00:-9.50]坚持,支持,维持    (由于厌恶、害怕、缺乏信心等)躲开,回避,退缩
[00:10.00]show up              end up               on sight/at sight    in(the) face of
[00:10.50]出现,露面           结束,告终           一见到就             尽管,不顾 在……面前