
新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第四册 课文 te-10c_new


[-1:-3.00]They were more socially competent and self-confident,
[-1:-4.00]and better able to cope with life's frustrations.
[-1:-5.00]In contrast, the kids who grabbed the one piece of candy were,
[-1:-6.00]as teenagers, more likely to be inflexible, unable to make decisions and stressed.
[-1:-7.00]The ability to resist temptation can be developed through practice.
[-1:-8.00]When you're faced with an immediate temptation,
[-1:-9.00]remind yourself of your long-term goals —
[-1:10.00]whether they be losing weight or getting a medical degree.
[-1:11.00]You'll find it easier, then, to keep from settling for the single piece of candy.
[-1:12.00]5. People Skills.
[-1:13.00]The capacity to know how another feels is important on the job,
[-1:14.00]in romance and friendship, and in the family.
[-1:15.00]The importance of good people skills
[-1:16.00]was demonstrated by Robert Kelley of Carnegie-Mellon University
[-1:17.00]and Janet Caplan in a study at Bell Labs.
[-1:18.00]The labs are staffed by engineers and scientists
[-1:19.00]who are all people of great intelligence.
[-1:20.00]But some still emerged as stars, while others were never very successful.
[-1:21.00]What accounted for the difference?
[-1:22.00]The top performers had a network containing a wide range of people.
[-1:23.00]When a non-star encountered a technical problem, Kelley observed,
[-1:24.00]"he called various technical experts and then waited,
[-1:25.00]wasting time while his calls went unreturned.
[-1:26.00]Star performers rarely faced such situations
[-1:27.00]because they built reliable networks before they needed them.
[-1:28.00]So when the stars called someone, they almost always got a faster answer.
[-1:29.00]" No matter what their I Q,
[-1:30.00]once again it was emotional intelligence that separated the stars
[-1:31.00]from the average performers.