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娱乐英语新闻:Behind the scenes of "Aftershock"

Xu Fan, the lead actress and also wife of the director Feng Xiaogang, spoke highly of the performances from the extras. She said they were the best she has ever worked with during her 20- year career. She remembered there was a mother with her daughter taking part in the shooting. The little girl complained that she was too tired but her mother told her that she was at her daughter's age when the earthquake happened and she wanted to show her daughter what it was like to face great difficulties in life.

In order to emphasize the great contribution by the extras, the director said that all of their names will be put on the "special thanks" list during the closing credits of the film.

Shooting scene of the film "Aftershock."

On July 22 audiences will be able to experience one of the most shocking and tragic disasters ever to happen in China.