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英语文摘:Understanding China conference concludes in Guangzhou


GUANGZHOU, April 20 (Xinhua) -- The Understanding China conference on Chinese modernization and new opportunities for the world concluded Thursday in Guangzhou, capital of south China's Guangdong Province.

The conference, Understanding China -- Greater Bay Area Dialogue, brought together politicians, officials, experts, entrepreneurs, foreign envoys and representatives of international organizations and multinational companies. It was aimed at helping people understand China's modernization and the new opportunities it will bring to the world.

Participants at the event said they believed Chinese modernization has created and will continue to create a miracle in the history of human development, which will have a positive and far-reaching impact on the world.

Fred Hu, chairman of Primavera Capital Group, said that China's high-quality economic growth will produce notable positive spillover effects for the global economy.

The world's second-largest economy will focus more on global industrial chains and supply chains, oppose decoupling, strengthen trade and investment with other countries, and build broad and stable partnerships, Hu said.

Former Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev said that, upholding the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, a strong China will make the world stronger, a green China will make the world greener, and a prosperous China that supports multilateralism and advocates win-win cooperation will make the world more peaceful and prosperous.

The three-day event included an opening ceremony, keynote speeches, 10 parallel forums, four closed-door seminars and three special sessions.

The event was co-hosted by the China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy, the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, the Guangdong provincial government and France's Prospective and Innovation Foundation.