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英语文摘:China's new ambassador to U.S. vows to safeguard Beijing's interest, strengthen coope


WASHINGTON, May 24 (Xinhua) -- China's newly appointed ambassador to the United States said on Tuesday upon arrival in Washington that he would safeguard the interests of China while enhancing China-U.S. exchanges and cooperation in his new role.

"As a representative of the Chinese people, I have come here to safeguard the interests of China, and I take this as my sacred responsibility. As an envoy of the Chinese people, I have come here to enhance China-U.S. exchanges and cooperation, and I take this as my important mission," Ambassador Xie Feng said.

Noting that he started working on China-U.S. relations three decades ago, Xie said he still believes that a sound and stable China-U.S. relationship is in the interest of both countries. A stable relationship is a mutual expectation of the international community and greatly contributes to global peace and prosperity.

The ambassador said the two countries have profound differences, and the relationship faces difficulties and challenges. The relationship has gone through many twists and turns in the past half-century. Yet, it has always been able to move ahead, Xie said.

"The relationship is too important for us to let it fail. Neither side can change or replace the other," he said, stressing that "working together, both will come out as winners; fighting each other, both will lose, and the world will be hurt as well."

Whether China and the United States can manage the relationship properly is consequential to the future of the two countries and the planet, said the veteran diplomat, adding that "the world is watching us."

Xie said the current state of China-U.S. relations has come to a historical crossroads. Being appointed at this pivotal moment, he sees it as both an honor and a great responsibility.

"Both China and the United States are great countries, and both Chinese and Americans are great peoples. We should keep pace with the trend of the times and reject the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game, and open our heart and move forward in the same direction. We should take concrete actions to deliver on the common understandings between President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden, and explore the right way to get along with each other in the new era. We should uphold the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. We should make the two peoples feel assured and set the world at ease," he said.

"Long and arduous as the journey is, we will get to the destination as long as we take real steps," he said. "My colleagues and I will keep in mind the instructions of President Xi Jinping, carry out our duties and responsibilities and live up to our mission with diligence and fortitude."

The ambassador concluded by saying that he looked forward to having extensive engagement and candid communication with people from all sectors in the United States, calling on those with whom he will be working to render their "support, input and contribution."

The 12th Chinese ambassador to the United States, Xie arrived in New York earlier in the day, giving brief remarks to the media at the John F. Kennedy International Airport before heading to the Chinese embassy in the U.S. capital.