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英语文摘:China's top legislature starts standing committee session


BEIJING, June 26 (Xinhua) -- The Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, started its third session Monday in Beijing.

Zhao Leji, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, presided over the session's first plenary meeting.

Lawmakers reviewed a draft law on developing barrier-free environments and a draft law on external relations, both submitted by the NPC Constitution and Law Committee to the session.

In its reports to the session, the NPC Constitution and Law Committee said the two drafts are already relatively mature, and suggested the session adopt them.

Lawmakers also deliberated a draft revision to the Administrative Reconsideration Law, a draft revision to the Marine Environment Protection Law, a draft patriotic education law, and a draft food security law.

The session reviewed a draft decision on establishing a deputies affairs commission of the NPC Standing Committee and a draft decision on designating a "National Ecology Day."

Lawmakers heard a report on the State Council's final accounts for 2022, a report on the auditing of the execution of central government budgets and other items of revenue and expenditure for 2022, and a report on the examination of the draft final accounts for 2022.

They also reviewed a report on coordinated regional development and personnel-related bills.